
Lifetime Candidate Management: The Key to Recruitment Longevity

Andrew Rodger • Oct 15, 2023

The Fourth Blog of our 7-Part Series on Recruitment Excellence

Welcome back to our 7-part blog series where we're decoding the key stages of the recruitment cycle, powered by rec-tech. Over the past three blogs, we've discussed Candidate Sourcing, Client Contact Engagement, and Job Workflow Mastery. 

If you're just joining us now, make sure to
catch up on those pieces starting here

Today, our focus moves to the fourth cornerstone - Lifetime Candidate Management. Let’s talk about the significance of managing candidate relationships for long-term success in recruitment.

The recruitment industry is always changing, and as professionals, we shouldn’t limit our vision to just placing a candidate in a job. Instead, we should aim to establish a real relationship with them, which can result in many great engagements over a lifetime. Doing so requires a blend of strategy, empathy, and, you guessed it - technology.

Here's how to master Lifetime Candidate Management, the recMate way:

  1. Stay Connected: Even after placing a candidate, maintain regular check-ins. It helps in understanding their career goals and ensuring they're happy in their current position. Automate these reminders to assist in actioning these check-ins!
  2. Build a Talent Community: Foster a sense of community among your candidates. Organise webinars, training sessions, or even casual meet-ups to let them know they're more than just a name in a database.
  3. Engage through Content: Share relevant industry news, tips, and career advice regularly. This not only positions you as a thought leader but keeps your candidates engaged and informed.
  4. Career Growth Assistance: From time to time, offer guidance on potential courses, certifications, or skills they could acquire to bolster their market value and career trajectory.
  5. Feedback Mechanisms: Regularly ask for feedback about their current job, future aspirations, and any support they may require. Constructive feedback can become your roadmap for refining your recruitment approach.
  6. Leverage Tech for Personalisation: Use your rec-tech systems to keep track of candidates' career milestones, personal achievements, or even birthdays. A personalised note or gesture goes a long way in cementing a relationship.
  7. Maintain Transparency: If a candidate wasn't selected for a role, provide genuine feedback, and assure them of other opportunities in the pipeline. This level of honesty builds trust. 
  8. Consider their Broader Network: Encourage referrals. A candidate in your network can introduce you to another potential candidate or even a client. Recognise and reward these introductions. Watch this space - there’s a new referral tool about to launch - it looks amazing and gamifies the whole referral process.
  9. Harness Data Analytics: Use data to identify patterns. For instance, if a group of candidates from a particular industry is looking for a shift, you can proactively approach them with relevant opportunities.
  10. Continuous Improvement: Hiring is a dynamic space. Regularly update your strategies based on industry trends, technological advancements, and feedback from candidates.

With the right approach to Lifetime Candidate Management, not only do you create trust but also build a dependable network that can streamline future staffing roles.

As we wrap up our fourth blog, get ready for our next discussion on the role of Digital Branding in Recruitment. Until then, remember - in recruitment, relationships are the real placements.

As always, your feedback, questions, and topic suggestions are invaluable to us. Don't hesitate to reach out. We're dedicated to supporting you on your recruitment journey.

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