
How to Get Your Team on Board with Your New Rec-Tech

Andrew Rodger • Apr 02, 2024

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Strategies for Successful Consultant Adoption

Introducing new rec-tech to your agency promises a path to greater efficiency and better ROI. However unfortunately, the tech is only as good as the team using it. The real challenge is ensuring your team adopts the tool and embraces it as a part of their daily workflow. Here's how to lead your team toward successful adoption and make the most out of your tech stack investments!

#1 Open the Lines of Communication

Start with the ‘why’. Before introducing any new technology, explain the reasons behind the decision. Highlight how this change aligns with your agency's broader goals, such as improving candidate placement rates, streamlining processes, or enhancing client relationships. Addressing the ‘why’ helps in creating a sense of purpose and urgency, making the new tech an integral part of achieving common objectives.

#2 Tailor Training to Your Team

One-size-fits-all doesn't work for training. Recognise that your team members have different learning styles and proficiencies. Some may be tech-savvy and eager to explore new tools, while others may feel apprehensive about digital changes. Offering tailored training sessions - from group workshops for general overviews to one-on-one sessions for more personalised guidance - ensures everyone gets the support they need.

#3 Show Real-World Value

Demonstrate the direct benefits of the new technology on your team's daily tasks. Use real-world scenarios and success stories to show how the tech can solve common issues, save time, and reduce workload. For instance, if you're implementing a new ATS, highlight how it simplifies candidate tracking and improves communication with potential hires. Seeing the real tangible benefits encourages team members to invest time and effort into learning the new system.

#4 Create Tech Champions

Identify early adopters within your team who are enthusiastic about the new technology and empower them as tech champions. These people can play a crucial role in driving adoption across the agency. They can share tips, answer questions, and provide peer-to-peer support, making the transition smoother for everyone. Having champions also helps in creating a positive buzz around the new tech, making others more open to embracing it.

#5 Provide Ongoing Support and Encouragement

Recognise that learning and adopting new technology is a process. Provide ongoing support to address any challenges that come up post-training. Encourage feedback and create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their experiences and suggestions for improvement. Celebrating small wins and milestones can also motivate the team, reinforcing the value of the new tech in achieving both individual and business-wide successes.

#6 Listen and Adapt

Be prepared to listen to your team's feedback and adapt your approach as necessary. If certain aspects of the new technology aren't working as expected or if additional training is needed, be ready to make adjustments. Continuous improvement should be the goal, with an emphasis on making technology work for the team, not the other way around.

Getting your team on board with new tech is key to the successful digital transformation of your agency. Through clear communication, tailored training, demonstrating real-world value, creating tech champions, and providing ongoing support, you can create a culture that not only accepts but also thrives on technological advancements. Remember, the goal is to enhance your team's capabilities and streamline operations, paving the way for greater success, not stress!

We live and breathe everything about this process at recMate, so if you’d like some expert advice, just drop me a line at

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